State Machines

State machines help us model how a process goes from state to state when an event occurs.

State machines are useful in software development because they help us capture all the states, events and transitions between them. Using state machines makes it easier to find impossible states and spot undesirable transitions.

Benefits of state machines

  • Simple to understand. State machines are visual and simple to understand. They’re a great way to communicate with your team and stakeholders.

  • Simple to test. State machines are deterministic, which means they’re simple to test. You can test all the possible states and transitions between them.

  • Simple to implement. State machines are simple to implement in solidity.

  • Simple to maintain. State machines are simple to maintain because they’re simple to understand, test and implement.

  • They provide a clear and concise way to model complex user interfaces and manage application state.

  • State machines can help reduce complexity and improve maintainability by providing a structured way to manage state transitions and handle events.

  • They can also help prevent bugs and improve code quality by enforcing a clear separation of concerns between different parts of the application.

  • Additionally, state machines can be highly maintainable and offer a way to make very complex back-end processes much more manageable.

In the backend

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